While we’re on the subject of achievements and records, we wanted to send out a huge congratulation to one of our stalwart members, Bridie O’Donnell, who claimed the UCI women’s hour record, at the Adelaide Superdrome, on January 22. We’re just sorry it’s taken us this long to formally congratulate her!
We’ve seen Bridie’s fierce determination and drive at the Crits and Nationals, and those watching her hour ride or following it on media on the night, saw an impeccably focused and controlled ride: she knew the numbers that she had to deliver, and those numbers came through, with metronome-like 19.1 to 19.3 second laps of the 250 metre track for the whole hour.
Bridie holds the 2008 Australian road time trial championship title, and now, the UCI world hour record for women, at 46.882km.
Congratulations again, Bridie; stand tall, we’re super proud of you!
(Photo credit DAVID MARIUZ/AFP/Getty Images)