After a tough few years of restrictions, St Kilda Cycling Club is pleased to announce the return of Big Sunday Racing. On Sunday 13th of March we commence a 3 race crit series at Albert Park, marking a return to real life racing for the club and our members. Albert Park skills have been well…
2023 August 31st, 2023; AGM edition; Worlds; upcoming activities May 1st, 2023; Autumn edition Sept 30th, 2023; October edition Oct 26th, 2023; SKCC Newsletter - Awesome October 2022 Feb 18, 2022: SKCC crits; Race numbers; Road Nats wrap; 2021 December 22, 2021: End of Year; Velo Vendredi; Albert Park crit racing update November 27, 2021: …
We are excited that the Victorian Government has easing restrictions to allow a return to club training rides. However we also wish to balance fitness, current skill levels and some member concerns, and so have opted to take a slow and steady return to full club activities. Please keep an eye on Team App, News…
The long awaited SKCC kit portal is now open. Orders must close midnight Wed 1st Dec, for delivery by Fri 4th Feb. NB jersey sleeve lengths will be "SKCC normal", and will be the same as our samples. Our sleeves are slightly longer than Tineli normal, so if you order normal on the…
It’s that time of year again when we need to start planning for our annual SKCC domination of Club Nationals! The annual National Club Team Time Trial Championships sees teams of 3 or 4 riders from clubs across Australia battle it out to wear the coveted Green and Gold jersey. Win your age division and…
SKCC'ers! It's that time of the year again - St Kilda Cycling Club's Annual General Meeting!! What: SKCC AGM Where: Zoom Topic: SKCC AGM Time: Aug 25, 2021 08:00 PM Australia/Melbourne Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 927 9114 1379 Passcode: 303560 One tap mobile +61370182005,,92791141379#,,,,*303560# Australia +61731853730,,92791141379#,,,,*303560# Australia Dial by your location +61 3…
SKCC is a Child Safe Club At SKCC, we are committed to supporting all of our members, including our junior club members. This includes ensuring that all club members know the process to follow should anyone ever have reasonable grounds for suspecting that a child or young person is being neglected, abused or needs protection.…
Huge thanks to our ride leaders Lee Emery, Scott McFarlane, Amanda Inglis, Kay Doidge, Guin Cleminson, John Wyatt, Michael Leung and Laura Parlevliet for keeping us entertained and fit while in COVID lockdown, also to the club members who have organised rides and invited us to join them. That green band boost has allowed quite…
There was a special treat in store for our juniors during their Thursday night zoom spin this week. 2017 World Team Pursuit Champion, Commonwealth Games gold medallist and SKCC member Kelland O'Brian dropped in to say hello and join in the training. The kids got to quiz him on a wide range of subjects -…